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Getting off to the right start is critical for success in school. The 德拉萨 (DLS) pathway supports students as they transition to Mullen’s academically rigorous environment. 


The 德拉萨 pathway is designed for students who demonstrate a need for additional academic support initially and have the ability to succeed in a college preparatory (CP) environment. DLS offers the most support freshman year with explicit instruction and scaffolding for students early on. DLS级别的课程将在大四时逐步取消, but students have continuity in the support from the DLS Director and 学术 个人顾问. It is not a special education program and does 不 modify assignments or tests.

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Enrollment in the DLS pathway is decided during the admissions process and is not something that families can elect to join. Students are evaluated for DLS support based on specific criteria in the admissions file including the student’s prior middle school performance, 标准化考试成绩, 马伦评估, 以及老师的建议. Students who are enrolled at Mullen with DLS support typically have low performance on standardized testing and gaps in study skills. While they may have been successful academically in the past, indicators suggest DLS support may be beneficial as they transition to the high school learning environment.
DLS类和CP类使用 相同 材料和评估-遵循 相同 毕业要求——hold住 相同 GPA重量



  • 建立学术独立性

    Explicit instruction is given to students in skills such as self-advocacy, 时间管理, 问责制, accessing resources and organization strategies to be successful in college preparatory classes. Students are supported individually as they develop these skills freshman year and improve these skills with continued monitoring and guidance throughout their time at Mullen. DLS途径鼓励努力, perseverance and a growth mindset as essential qualities that contribute to academic success and a mastery of learning objectives.
  • 过渡到CP课程

    Students can enroll in CP-level core courses beginning their sophomore year. Enrollment in these classes is based on student performance in the specific subject area and the consistent demonstration of self-management and advocacy. Teacher recommendation and DLS Director approval is also required. Students are encouraged to progress to higher-level courses in their strength areas. There are no DLS-level courses offered for senior students.
  • 大学和职业准备

    We support students on diverse post secondary tracks, but our goal is to ensure students who start on the DLS pathway have access and options available when they choose to pursue a college degree. 大发彩票平台的课程, 毕业要求, and explicit instruction in self-advocacy ensure college readiness. SAT and ACT data are secondary measures of growth to ensure our curriculum is rigorous and supports the development of critical thinking skills. 


Students admitted to Mullen as part of the 德拉萨 pathway can expect:
  • 采取 学习技巧 在大一第一学期. Students in this course develop and/or improve upon skills like planning, 目标设定, 时间管理, 自我监控/反射, 和维护自己的权利. It will teach strategies for organization, writing, reading, note-taking, studying, and test-taking. Time each week is dedicated to supporting students in completing work for all their courses.
  • 班级规模更小. DLS类有 capped at 20 students to provide closer interaction with faculty.
  • 核心课程中特定内容的支持. 参加DLS课程的学生选修数学, 科学, 英语, and Social Studies at the DLS level freshman year.
  • 被坚持 很高的期望 并鼓励他们控制自己的 自己的学习
DLS类有 remedial classes and meet CP standards without modification. Students are enrolled in DLS classes for all core courses freshman year. Students will take World Language beginning in their sophomore year



  • 当前的学生

    "The 德拉萨 program helps students who struggle to slowly get up to the level of CP. I am in DLS and I am thankful for this opportunity to grow into CP classes♥️"


  • A DLS Director collaborates with teachers as they foster student growth in their courses, 促进家长外展, monitors student progress even as they transition to CP-level courses, 并监督该途径的有效性.
  • An 学术 个人顾问 specific to DLS works with students and parents/guardians to assist students with educational, 职业生涯, and life planning and helps to facilitate interventions. Social and emotional learning is incorporated into the 学习技巧 course and facilitated by the Counselor.
  • Collaboration with Mullen's 课后实验室 supports homework completion and provides the opportunity for peer tutoring.
  • Teachers of DLS classes provide appropriate support to students aligned with the department curriculum to ensure students meet the 相同 standards as CP courses.
  • Summer Enrichment Courses through Mullen's DLS Summer Academy as a part of our 夏天的桥梁 Program, which is designed for incoming students to familiarize themselves with the curriculum and the campus.



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